Fatboys 159----------------------Tenn. Valley Vipers 109 THIS LITTLE PIGGIE WON A CHAMPIONSHIP
Truth be told I shouldn't have to write this. In truth the only story to this game is told by the score. The Vipers posted their 2nd worst performance of the year in their biggest game of the year. The Fatboys won with the Browns defense and a Browns RB. Seriously. If you think that I'm going to praise the Cleveland Browns in a POTW your dead wrong. Let's just say good job Coach Burton and the Fatboys for not only winning but not even allowing it to be close.
Hey, I found that logo in the trash and it makes for as good a header as anything for this game----VS----
Pineapple Express 8--------------------Fergs 5
The Game of the Year. Perhaps no game generates more talk each year than the Futbal World Cup. I can't remember a Super Bowl in our league that was even remotly close but the World Cup never dissapoints. The 2009 version was no exception. Despite the Fergs having the obvious advantage in a kicker named Stephen Gostkowski, who just sounds like a futbal player, the Pineapple Express were able to take home the win with an American kid named Billy. A kid named Billy winning the Futbal Championship, Socceer has officially arrived in this country.
UPDATE: turns out that Gostkowski kid is also American. Not only is he American he is from Mississippi. Oh well, for the purpose of this article he is from Eastern Europe.----VS----
Gusmeisters 164-----------------------Mallards 131
"And with the #1 overall selection of the 2010 draft the Gusmeisters select...." While we have to wait until late August to find out how that statement ends we know that it will be Coach Gusty making the call. The Gusmeisters just missed THE playoffs but made the most of their time in the NIT not only winning but looking strong in their wins. The Mallards put up a good fight but they just did not have the weapons that the Gusmeisters did and in the end fall to the middle of the draft as oppose to the head of the line.
See you in a few days for the Season Finale...
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